[Math] Is $n^{0.01}$ Big Omega or Big O of $\log(n)$


I was graphing $n^{0.01}$ for huge values of $n$ and noticed this function grows incredibly slow, much slower then $\log(n)$ it appeared from the graph. So my initial thought was that

$$n^{0.01}\in\mathcal O(\log(n))$$

$$\log^x(n)\in \mathcal O(n^y)$$

for any fixed constant $x > 0$ and $y > 0$, which made me think my initial thought was wrong.
enter image description here

Best Answer

It is enough to take the limit $\frac{n^{\alpha}}{\log n}$ with $\alpha >0$ to see that it tends to infinity and hence we get a stronger relation: $n^{\alpha} = \omega (\log n)$. In other words, the ratio is not bounded above by any constant.

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