Number Theory – Rational Values of f(x,y) with Positive Integers

diophantine equationsnumber theoryvieta-jumping

Prove or disprove that if $t$ is a positive integer, $$f(x,y)=\dfrac{x^2+y^2}{xy-t},$$ then $f(x,y)$ has only finitely many distinct positive integer values with $x,y$ positive integers. In other words, there exist $k\in\mathbb N$ such that if $n\gt k$ then $f(x,y)=n$ has no positive integer solutions.

This problem is a generalization of this famous problem.

  • Below is the list of the set of $f(x,y)$ with $t\le 10$ (may be incomplete):












Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

October 14, 2015. This is with $$ \frac{x^2 + y^2}{xy - t} = q > 0, $$ which I believe to be the intent of the question.

THEOREM: $$ \color{red}{ q \leq (t+1)^2 + 1 } $$

I got some help from Gerry Myerson on MO to finish the thing.

As far as rapid computer computations, for a fixed $t,$ we can demand $1 \leq x \leq 4 t.$ For each $x,$ we can then demand $1 \leq y \leq x$ along with the very helpful $x y \leq 4 t.$ Having found an integer quotient $q,$ we then keep only those solutions with $2x \leq qy$ and $2y \leq qx.$

In particular, for $t=1$ we find $q=5,$ then for $t=2$ we find $q=4,10.$ In both cases we have $q \leq (t+1)^2 + 1.$ We continue with $t \geq 3.$

With $t \geq 3, $ we also have $t^2 \geq 3t > 3t - 1.$

We are able to demand $xy \leq 4t$ by taking a Hurwitz Grundlösung, that is $2x \leq qy$ and $2y \leq qx.$ Define $k = xy - t \geq 1.$ Now, $xy \leq 4t,$ then $k = xy - t \leq 3t,$ then $k-1 \leq 3t - 1.$ Reverse, $3t-1 \geq k-1.$ Since $t^2 > 3t - 1,$ we reach $$ t^2 > k-1. $$

Next, $k \geq 1,$ so $(k-1) \geq 0.$ We therefore might get equality in $$ (k-1)t^2 \geq (k-1)^2, $$ but only when $k=1.$ $$ 0 \geq t^2 - k t^2 + k^2 - 2 k + 1, $$ $$ k t^2 + 2 k \geq t^2 + k^2 + 1. $$ Divide by $k,$ $$ t^2 + 2 \geq \frac{t^2}{k} + k + \frac{1}{k}. $$ Add $2t,$ $$ t^2 +2t + 2 \geq \frac{t^2}{k} + 2 t + k + \frac{1}{k}, $$ with equality only when $k=1.$ Reverse, $$ \frac{t^2}{k} + 2 t + k + \frac{1}{k} \leq t^2 +2t + 2 $$ with equality only when $k=1.$

Here is Gerry's best bit, this would not have occurred to me. Here we are back to considering all solutions $(x,y)$ and all $k=xy-t.$ Draw the graph of the quarter circle $x^2 + y^2 = k q.$ As $x,y \geq 1,$ there are boundary points at $(1, \sqrt{kq-1})$ and $( \sqrt{kq-1},1).$ The hyperbola $xy = \sqrt{kq-1}$ passes through both points, but in between stays within the quarter circle. It follows by convexity (or Lagrange multipliers again) that, along the circular arc, $$ \color{blue}{ xy \geq \sqrt{kq-1}}. $$ But, of course, $x^2 + y^2 = k q = qxy - t q$ is equivalent to our original equation $x^2 - q x y + y^2 = -tq.$ We have $$ -tq = x^2 - q x y + y^2 = (x^2 + y^2 ) - q x y = k q - q x y \leq kq - q \sqrt{kq-1}, $$ or $$ -tq \leq kq - q \sqrt{kq-1}, $$ $$ -t \leq k - \sqrt{kq-1}, $$ $$ \sqrt{kq-1} \leq t + k, $$ $$ kq -1 \leq t^2 + 2k t + k^2, $$ $$ kq \leq t^2 + 2 kt + k^2 + 1, $$ divide by $k,$ $$ q \leq \frac{t^2}{k} + 2 t + k + \frac{1}{k}. $$

For $t \geq 3$ and a solution with $xy < 4t,$ we showed $$ \frac{t^2}{k} + 2 t + k + \frac{1}{k} \leq t^2 +2t + 2 $$ with equality only when $k=1.$ For all solutions, Gerry showed $$ q \leq \frac{t^2}{k} + 2 t + k + \frac{1}{k}. $$ Put these together, we get $$ q \leq t^2 +2t + 2 $$ with equality only when $k=1,$ that is $xy = t+1.$

ADDENDUM, October 15. Here is another way to get Gerry's main observation, with $k = xy - t,$ that $xy \geq \sqrt{kq-1}.$ We have $x,y \geq 1$ and $kq =x^2 + y^2 .$ So $kq \geq x^2 + 1$ and $kq -(x^2 + 1) \geq 0.$ We also have $x^2 - 1 \geq 0.$ Multiply, $$ (x^2 - 1) kq - (x^4 - 1) \geq 0. $$ Next, $y^2 = kq - x^2,$ so $x^2 y^2 = kq x^2 - x^4.$ That is $$ x^2 y^2 = (kq-1) + (x^2 - 1)kq - (x^4 - 1). $$ However, $$ (x^2 - 1) kq - (x^4 - 1) \geq 0, $$ so $$ x^2 y^2 \geq kq - 1, $$ $$ \color{blue}{ xy \geq \sqrt{kq-1}}. $$

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