General Topology – Is it Possible to Obtain a Sphere from a Quotient of a Torus?


I understand that a torus is obtained from a sphere by adding a handle. I'm working on a question which is asking if it is possible to obtain a sphere from a quotient of a torus? It seems like this should be possible by perhaps identifying the insides of the torus? But I'm not quite sure how to properly express this.

Help is very much appreciated.

Best Answer

The answer is yes:

Consider the torus sitting in $\mathbb R^3$ like a donut on a table. Then you see that it is invarant by a rotation of $180$ degrees around an horizontal axis. The quotient by such involution is a sphere and the projection is wat is usually called a branched cover (with four branch points).

In general any orientd closed surface covers the sphere via a branched covering.

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