[Math] Is it possible to express $\sin \frac{\pi}{9}$ in terms of radicals


So, yes, this is a math homework question. I've done some research on it and I know that the actual value for $\sin \frac{\pi}{9}$ cannot be expressed without using imaginary numbers.

But, this isn't what the question is asking. It is simply asking if it is possible to do so and for me to prove it. I know that $\frac{3\pi}{9}$ can be simplified to $\frac{\pi}{3}$ and that exact values for the sine and cosine of it can be expressed cleanly and other multiples that can be reduced down to $\frac{\pi}{6}$, $\frac{\pi}{4}$, $\frac{\pi}{3}$ etc.

But how can I prove that $\frac{\pi}{9}$ itself can be expressed as an exact value?

I'm in grade 12 advanced functions and am taking calculus next semester, but I'm totally open to learning new things so if you post very advanced concepts I'll do my best to understand them.

Any ideas where I could start?

Unit circle:Unit circle

Best Answer

By Euler's formula, $e^{xi}=\cos x+i\sin x$. Therefore $e^{3xi}=(\cos x+i\sin x)^3=\cos 3x+i\sin 3x$. Equating imaginary parts, $\sin 3x=3\sin x\cos^2x-\sin^3x$. Therefore:

$$\begin{align}\sin\frac\pi3&=3\sin\frac\pi9\cos^2\frac\pi9-\sin^3\frac\pi9\\ \frac{\sqrt{3}}2&=3\sin\frac\pi9-4\sin^3\frac\pi9\end{align}$$

This tells us $\sin\frac\pi9$ is a root of $64x^6-96x^4+36x^2-3$. If you're determined, you can try using the solution to the general cubic equation to find the value.