[Math] is it possible to calculate the standard deviation with a given mean and sample size

probabilitystandard deviationstatistics

I have been going in rounds with this problem… I may be thinking "complicated", any advice?

I have the mean and total sample size (=number of data points) and I need to know what is the standard deviation (SD).

I know I can calculate back the sum of individual scores from the formal formula for calculation of the mean, i.e.:

$M = \frac{\Sigma X}{N}$

where X=individual data points
N=number of data points

However after this step I am stuck.
To find the SD using the variance I need to know the individual data points and which I don't have.

I then end up with two "unknown" variables, $S^2$ and $X$ in this formula:

$S^2 = \frac{\Sigma(X-M)^2}{N – 1}$


Thank you André and Jonathan. I now got some extra information: I am given the N and mean(maximum), e.g.: N=596, mean(maximum): 5.86(39.1); any extra advice?

Best Answer

If all you know is the mean and sample size, then no. The standard deviation could be 6 or $1.5\times 10^{10^{10}}$.