Mathematics Laws – Is It Possible to Alternate?


I am freelance writer. Recently I have been planning a science fiction – just planning, nothing solid yet – and I was wondering would it be possible for some other universes that have different set of mathematical laws? By alternative mathematical laws, I mean $1+2\ne 2+1$ or $1\times2\ne2\times1$, or that the prime number 3 is no longer a prime in other universe, that kind of stuff. To push things further, I am imaging that a horrendously-advanced alien civilization maybe able to, by some mysterious method, change the mathematical laws here on earth, so as to disarm our spaceships and conquer our world.

I have read some popular science books, and was informed that we could have different physical laws in other universe, if the other universe exists. This is the motivation behind my (naive) question. I think, from a writer's prospective, I may have more freedom in creating a plot, well, at least I myself is the rule-maker.

My major was biology, so I haven't really learned any maths at all, plus the fact that I left college some twenty years ago. I can merely make sure I wasn't in any debt using my math skills, so I hope my questions aren't bad or stupid.

Sorry for these irrelevant details, I repeat my two questions below:

  • Is it possible to have different mathematical laws in other universe?
  • Is it possible for some aliens to alter the mathematical laws in our universe?

Thank you for your consideration!

I'd like to mention that I have read the novel "Contact" by Carl Sagan. I was truly amazed that those aliens sent prime numbers to Ellie, who then be able to make the contact happens. But then I wonder, what if those aliens somehow do not have the same prime number we have on earth? This is just my random thought.

@Robert Mastragostino made a good point in the comment. I think what I am asking is that, could the deductive reasoning, which I suppose mathematics is mostly based on, be violated? That is, if those aliens are powerful enough, we no longer have $1+1=2$ on earth but $1+1=3$?

EDIT 3 After reading all your comments so far, I now start to think that I may have asked the wrong question. I used to think that math is "superior" than physics, as being convinced by a comic. The analogy by Ryan showed me that math is somewhat like a language, and I think that, well, what's the big deal about changing a language? It appears that physics is still all that matters if you want to win an alien war. Let me know if I am wrong (again).

Best Answer

A "horrendously-advanced alien civilization maybe able to" -carry their physical laws with them while being in our universe -in a local periphery of their spaceships. What better "shield" could there be? Since what you intent to write seems like a space-opera with evil aliens, this plot device will help you make their spaceships almost invincible - at least for long enough in your book to build up drama, as well as to narrate the heroic mission to uncover either their laws, or a way to map their laws to ours, or a way to just break this shield (and then imagine what would happen to them when exposed to the laws of our universe). Since this forum seems to have given you enough good ideas, I believe that it is appropriate that you commit publicly that, the final version of your book will contain at least some pages of mathematical and physics philosophy, preferably together with some mathematical symbols - and that you will guard these pages with your life against any publisher that will try to delete them arguing that they will alienate your potential readers.:)

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