[Math] Is it possible for a graph to have an Euler circuit and an Euler path

eulerian-pathgraph theory

Is it true that an Euler path should have two vertices of odd degree and an Euler circuit should have no vertices of odd degree? Is it therefore impossible to have a graph with both an Euler path and an Euler circuit?

Best Answer

If a graph has an Euler circuit, i.e. a trail which uses every edge exactly once and starts and ends on the same vertex, then it is impossible to also have a trail which uses every edge exactly once and starts and ends on different vertices. (This is because the start and end vertices must have odd degree in the latter case, but even degree in the former case.)

Whether this means Euler circuit and Euler path are mutually exclusive or not depends on your definition of "Euler path". Some people say that an Euler path must start and end on different vertices. With that definition, a graph with an Euler circuit can't have an Euler path. Other people say that an Euler path has no restriction on start and end vertices. With that definition, a graph with an Euler circuit automatically has an Euler path (which is the same as its Euler circuit).