[Math] Is it always true that $(A_1 \cup A_2) \times (B_1 \cup B_2)=(A_1\times B_1) \cup (A_2 \times B_2)$


Is it always true that

$(A_1 \cup A_2) \times (B_1 \cup B_2)=(A_1\times B_1) \cup (A_2 \times B_2)$?

I don't believe this is true. I have tried to draw pictures to help me get on the right path, but I think that the union makes this untrue. for example, if $a \in A_1$ and $b \in B_2$, then $(a,b)$ would not be in $(A_1\times B_1) \cup (A_2 \times B_2)$. Is this a correct assumption?

Best Answer

No, they behave like $+$ and $\cdot$: $$(A_1\cup A_2)\times(B_1\cup B_2)=(A_1\times B_1)\cup (A_1\times B_2)\cup (A_2\times B_1)\cup (A_2\times B_2)$$

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