[Math] Is it always possible to simply expand a simple 2D polygon with any point

computational geometrygeneral-topologygeometry

Given a simple 2D polygon P = ( M1 .. Mn ) and a point M, is it always possible to construct a new simple polygon P' by "adding" M to P as a new vertex?

If so, is this always possible without altering the order of P's vertices?

I think that the answer to those 2 questions is yes, but I tried to prove it, and failed.

My approach was to try to define some kind of distance between M and each of P's side, whereby the "closest" such side would be the one to break to insert M as a new vertex. Obviously, the usual orthogonal distance from a point to a line doesn't work.

The larger context is a drawing program I am writing where I allow the user to add vertices to her polygons, but where I strive to keep the polygons simple.

(simple polygon: a polygon where no two sides cross).

PS: English is a foreign language to me, especially when talking maths. I apologize if my question comes across as awkwardly worded.

Best Answer

A counterexample is the (nonconvex) octagon with vertices

(1,2), (1,3), (2,-1), (3,-1),
(-1,-2), (-1,-3), (-2,1), (-3,1)

You cannot add the point (0,0) between any two of the points without creating an intersection.

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