Real Analysis – Is Indefinite Integration Suspect?


In this post, Qiaochu Yuan remarks that 'it is convenient but misleading to write
\int f(x) \, dx=g(x)

[where the derivative of $g$ is $f$]'. This sentiment seems to be shared by many contributors here, and I don't understand why. To me, both definite and indefinite integration are both valid operations you can perform on a function, and there is nothing suspect about indefinite integration.

I know about the fundamental theorem of calculus, which (as far as I understand) explains the link between indefinite and definite integration. If by integration we mean computing the area under the graph, the fundamental theorem of calculus shows us that integration is the opposite of differentiation, since
\frac{d}{dx} \int_{a}^{x} f(t) \, dt = f(x)

This shows that every continuous function has an antiderivative. Since a clear link between integration and antidifferentiation has been established, we give the antiderivative the convenient label 'indefinite integral'. (This also explains why the definite and indefinite integration notations are so similar.) This label is fine, so long as we remember that integration is defined as finding the area under the graph, while antidifferentiation is defined as finding the inverse of the derivative.

Another result of the fundamental theorem of calculus is that
\int_{a}^{x}f(t) \, dt=\int f(x) \, dx

So obviously every indefinite integral can be rewritten in terms of definite integrals, but I don't understand the motivation behind this. If $F$ is an antiderivative of $f$, then why is it more correct to write
\int_{a}^{x} f(t) \, dt = F(x) \, ,

compared to
\int f(x) \, dx = F(x) \, ?

Best Answer

Basically, there's a type error: "$\int f(x)\,dx$" is a perfectly meaningful thing, but that thing is not a single function - rather, it's a set of functions.

The point is that a function doesn't have a unique antiderivative. For example, ${x^2\over 2}$ is an antiderivative of $x$ (with respect to $x$ of course), but so is ${x^2\over 2}-4217$. It's not the indefinite integral which is suspect, but rather the notation we use around it - specifically, the way we use "$=$." Properly speaking, $\int f(x)dx$ refers to a set of functions.

This is generally addressed by including a constant of integration, so that we write $$\int x\,dx={x^2\over 2}+C$$ to mean "The set of antiderivatives of $x$ is the set of functions of the form ${x^2\over 2} + C$ for $C\in\mathbb{R}$."

  • That said, blindly adding a constant of integration still doesn't always fix the problem: let $f(x)=-{1\over x^2}+1$ if $x>0$ and $-{1\over x^2}-1$ if $x<0$; what's the derivative of $f$, and does $f$ have the form $-{1\over x^2}+C$ for some fixed real number $C$?