[Math] Is if a set is not open and its complement not closed, is the set closed and its complement open


I'm working in baby Rudin. I think understand the ideas of interior and limit points, open and closed sets.

We have the theorem that $E$ is closed iff $E^c$ is open.

This gives me some idea about the relationship between a set and its complement. However, I find myself stuck when it comes to determining whether the following statements are true, and, if so, how to prove them:

1. If $E$ is not open then it is closed, and vice-versa.

  1. If $E$ is not open and $E^c$ is not closed then $E$ is closed and $E^c$ is open.

Is this statement equivalent to saying that a set is closed if its complement is open?

  1. Proving the following (This one is a question from Rudin):

Let $E^o$ be the set of all interior points of a set $E$. Prove $E^o$ is always open.

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Best Answer

"Opposite" as a term will only mislead you. The entire space $\mathbb{R}$ is both open and closed, as is the empty set $\emptyset$; neither is the "opposite" of itself. The complement of an open set is closed, and vice versa.

  1. If $E$ is not open then it is closed, and vice-versa.

    This is false. Counterexample: $[0,1)$.

  2. if $E$ is not open and $E^c$ is not closed then $E$ is closed and $E^c$ is open.

    False. Saying that $E^c$ is not closed is equivalent to saying that $E$ is not open, so the hypothesis is just "$E$ is not open". From this, as noted in 1., it doesn't follow that $E$ is closed – as mentioned, they are not "opposites".

  3. Let $E^o$ be the set of all interior points of a set $E$. Prove $E^o$ is always open.

    $x$ is an interior point of $E$ iff some open neighborhood $U$ of $x$ is contained in $E$. So if $y \in E^o$, then $y \in U \subseteq E$ for some open neighborhood $U$ of a point $x \in E$. But then $y$ is by definition an interior point of $E$, as this same $U$ is an open neighborhood of $y$ contained in $E$.