Functional Equations – Is f(x) = Cx log x the Only Solution?


I was studying $L(x) = x \log x$ function and found that it satisfies the following functional equation for positive $x, y$:
f: \mathbb R^+ \to \mathbb R\\
f(xy) = x f(y) + y f(x)
I have a feeling that $L(x)$ is the only (up to multiplying by a constant term) solution to that equation. How do I show that?

Best Answer

Introduce a new function $g : \Bbb{R} \to \Bbb{R}$ by

$$g(x) = e^{-x} f(e^x).$$

Then satisfies the Cauchy's functional equation

$$g(x+y) = g(x) + g(y).$$

This equation is extensively studied, and even a mild regularity condition will force the solution to be of the form $g(x) = cx$. On the other hand, under the Axiom of Choice we can construct a solution which is not of this form.

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