[Math] Is every PID a UFD


I was reading PID—"In a PID every non-zero, non-unit element can be written as product of irreducibles."

So here Uniqueness of the product is not mentioned so I think the product may or may not be unique. But when the product becomes unique up to associates then such a PID is called a UFD but this does not mean that every PID is a UFD, rather it means every UFD is a PID, am I wrong somewhere logically?

This came to me since when I was referring the Proof of PID implies UFD, there starting from PID it proved that the product is unique up to associates and hence proved UFD?

Best Answer

Every PID is a UFD. Not every UFD is a PID.

Example: A ring $R$ is a unique factorization domain if and only if the polynomial ring $R[X]$ is one. But $R[X]$ is a principal ideal domain if and only if $R$ is a field. So, $\mathbb{Z}[X]$ is an example of a unique factorization domain which is not a principal ideal domain.

The statement "In a PID every non-zero, non-unit element can be written as product of irreducibles" is true, but it is not the definition of a principal ideal domain. Nor is it the definition of a unique factorization domain: as you pointed out, it does not account for uniqueness.

Note that in an integral domain, every prime element is irreducible, but the converse is false.

Here are two equivalent definitions of unique factorization domain:

1 . An integral domain $R$ in which every nonzero nonunit is a product of prime elements,

2 . An integral domain $R$ in which every nonzero nonunit is a product of irreducible elements, and this product is unique up to associates.

In the proof you were reading, I guess what they are trying to say is the following: in a principal ideal domain $R$, it is true that irreducible is the same thing as prime. So once you show that every nonzero nonunit can be written as a product of irreducibles, it follows that $R$ is a unique factorization domain.

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