Normed Spaces – Is Every Normed Vector Space an Inner Product Space?


Let $V$ be a vector space over $\mathbb{C}$. If $V$ is an inner product space, then $V$ is normed (where the norm is defined as $\|x\|=\sqrt{(x,x)}\,\,$). Now if $V$ is normed, does it follow that $V$ is an inner product space ? I suspect no. I would like to see an example.

Thank you.

After reading my question again, I think it needs some clarification:

Suppose that $V$ is normed with norm $||\,||$. Can $V$ be given an inner product space structure such that $(x,x)=||x||^2$ ?

Best Answer

For an example of a norm that is not induced by an inner product, consider Euclidean space $\Bbb R^n$ (where $n\ge 2$) with the norm $$\lVert \vec x\rVert_1:=\sum_{k=1}^n |x_k|.$$

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