[Math] Is $e^{2(\cos(t)-1)}$ the characteristic function of some random variable

moment-generating-functionsprobability distributionsprobability theory

I am asked to decide whether
$$f(t)=e^{2(\cos(t) -1)}$$
is the characteristic function of some random variable.

Attempt. I am trying to find directly a possible associated random variable (which might be a totally bad strategy). The assignment actually starts like this:

Let $X$, $Y$ be two i.i.d. random variables with characteristic function $\varphi_X$ ($=\varphi_Y$). Compute $\varphi_{-Y}$ and $\varphi_{X-Y}$ in terms of $\varphi_{X}$.

It's immediate to see that $\varphi_{X-Y}(t)=\varphi_X(t)\varphi_X(-t)$. Thus I can maybe use this observation to guess that, if $f(t)=\varphi_X(t)$ for some r.v. $X$, then $X=Y-Z$ where $\varphi_Y(t)=e^{\cos(t) -1}=e^{\cos(-t) -1}=\varphi_{-Z}(t)$.

Therefore it doesn't seem a bad idea to look for some density function $g_Y(x)$ such that
$$e^{\cos t -1} = \int_{\mathbb R} e^{itx} g_Y(x) dx = \int_{\mathbb R} \cos (tx) \ g_Y(x) dx + i \int_{\mathbb R} \sin (tx) \ g_Y(x) dx.$$
Since $e^{\cos t -1} \in \mathbb R$ for all $t \in \mathbb R$, we have that $i \int_{\mathbb R} \sin (tx) \ g_Y(x) dx$ must be $0$. Hence a good choice for $g_Y(x)$ could be an even function, defined on a symmetric domain (w.r.t. $0$).

Here I'm stuck. It seems to me that I am still quite far from a solution. "Even function on a symmetric domain" is clearly a quite small achievement (and it's even just a guess).

Please note that we didn't discuss Bochner's theorem in class. We did discuss Inversion Theorem, but apparently computations get quite messy.

I'd prefer to receive just hints for the moment, not full solutions. Thank you for your help.

Best Answer


  • If $Y$ is Bernoulli symmetric with $P(Y=1)=P(Y=-1)=\frac12$ then $\varphi_Y(t)=$ $____$.
  • If $N$ is Poisson with parameter $\lambda$, then the generating function of $N$ is $$g_N(s)=E(s^N)=\sum_{n\geqslant0}s^n\mathrm e^{-\lambda}\frac{\lambda^n}{n!}=\mathrm e^{-\lambda}\sum_{n\geqslant0}\frac{(\lambda s)^n}{n!}=\text{____}.$$
  • If $Y$ and $(Y_n)$ is i.i.d. and $N$ is Poisson with parameter $\lambda$ and independent of $(Y_n)$, then $$X=\sum\limits_{n=1}^NY_n$$ is such that, for every $n\geqslant0$, $$E(\mathrm e^{\mathrm itX}\mid N=n)=E(\mathrm e^{\mathrm it(Y_1+Y_2+\cdots+Y_n)})=E(\mathrm e^{\mathrm itY_1})^n=\varphi_Y(t)^n,$$ hence $$\varphi_X(t)=E(E(\mathrm e^{\mathrm itX}\mid N))=E(\varphi_Y(t)^n)=g_N(\varphi_Y(t)),$$
  • Finally, $\varphi:t\mapsto\mathrm e^{-2(1-\cos(t))}$ is the characteristic function of $X=$ $____$.
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