[Math] Is constructive proof of non-existence possible


Constructive proof construct(indicates) object that satisfies given predicate. Question is whether one can give constructive proof of non-existence of an object with given property e.g. that every subset $S$ of natural numbers has smallest number — as far as I understand such proof must indicates that there is no element $m' < \min(S)$.

Best Answer

This is a commonly misunderstood aspect of constructive mathematics. The constructive method to prove "there does not exist an object with property $P$" is to assume there is an object with property $P$ and derive a contradiction.

For example, this is a constructive proof:

There is no smallest integer. Proof: Assume there is a smallest integer, $n$. Then $n-1$ is a smaller integer, which is a contradiction. Therefore there is no smallest integer.

This is because, in the constructive reading, the actual meaning of "not X" is "X implies a contradiction" -- "not X" is really an implicational statement. One thus proves a statement of the form "not X" in the same way that one proves any other implication.

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