[Math] Is cantor set homeomorphic to the unit interval


Can anyone help me with this question?

Is cantor set homeomorphic to the unit interval?

I (think that I) can see that there is an $f: C \rightarrow [0,1]_{inf}$ which is a surjective bijection (where $[0,1]_{inf}$ is the points in $[0,1]$ that has infinite binary representation) since we can view the cantor set as the set $\{0,2\}^\mathbb{N}$.
But, I cant see if this can be widened to a surjective onto map $f: C \rightarrow [0,1]$, and if there is, I can see why this function is continuous with a continuous inverse.
On the other hand, If the claim stated above is not true, I am not sure how to show that.

Thank you!

Best Answer

Those sets aren't homeomorphic: unit interval is connected, while cantor set isn't

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