Abstract Algebra – Finite-Dimensional Extension of a Field is Algebraic and Finitely Generated


As title,
Is any finite-dimensional extension of a field, say $F$, algebraic and finitely generated?

Say if $K/F$ is a finite extension when $K$ is a finite-dimensional vector space of $F$. Clearly, this implies that $K$ is finitely generated (as an algebra) over $F$, since a basis is a generating set. So every finite extension is finitely generated.

So indeed they all are, is my logic correct?

Best Answer

A similar but easier answer to the one given above is as follows.

To show $K/F$ is algebraic if finite we must show that every element of $K$ satisfies a polynomial over $F$.

Suppose $[K : F] = n$ and choose $\alpha\in K$. Then consider the elements $1,\alpha,\alpha^2,...,\alpha^n$.

This is a list of $n+1$ elements in an $n$ dimensional $F$-vector space so must be linearly dependent. Thus there exists $a_0,a_1,...,a_n\in F$ not all zero such that $a_n \alpha^n + ... + a_2\alpha^2 + a_1\alpha + a_0 = 0$.

But then $\alpha$ is a root of the polynomial $a_nx^n + ... + a_2x^2 + a_1x + a_0$ over $F$.

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