[Math] Is a Banach space also a metric space


Since a Banach space is a complete normed vector space and a norm always induces a metric, a Banach space must be a metric space, right?

If so, why is a Banach space defined as a complete normed space and not a complete metric space?

Best Answer

Every Banach space is a metric space. However, there are metrics that aren't induced by norms. If this were the case, then Banach spaces and complete metric spaces would the same thing... if metric spaces had operations and an underlying field! The difference is more than just the metric/norm dichotomy. For completeness of the answer (no pun intended), a metric $d:X\times X \to \Bbb R_{\geq 0}$ comes from a norm if and only if: $$d(x+z,y+z) = d(x,y)\quad\text{and}\quad d(\lambda x,\lambda y) = |\lambda|d(x,y),$$ for all $x,y,z \in X$, for all $\lambda \in \Bbb R$. If this is the case, the norm is $\|x\| = d(x,0)$.

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