[Math] Irreducible representation of dimension $5$ of $S_5$

finite-groupsgroup-theorylinear algebrarepresentation-theorysymmetric-groups

i am searching for a concrete as possible description of the (there are two but the are obtained from each other by tensoring with the signature representation) irreducible representation of dimension 5 of the symmetric group $S_5$ on 5 elements.

[Fulton Harris] to my knowledge only computes the character.

Wikipedia says it has something to do with an exceptional transitive embedding of
$S_5$ into $S_6$. Would love if someone could tell me a bit more about that.

Best Answer

You can construct one of these as follows (the other comes, as you observed, by tensoring it with the sign character). Undoubtedly you know that $S_5$ has six Sylow 5-subgroups, each with a normalizer $N$ of order 20. It is easy to convince yourself of the fact that the conjugation action on this set of six elements is doubly transitive. Therefore, by the usual result, this 6-dimensional representation splits into a direct sum of a 1-dimensional trivial representation and a 5-dimensional irreducible one.

This gives, indeed, the exceptional transitive embedding $f$ of $S_5$ in $S_6$. Even more so: by studying the type of elements present in $N$ (and its conjugates), you can deduce a number of things about the cycle structure of elements of $f(S_5)$. Furthermore, $f(S_5)$ obviously has six conjugates in $S_6$. This conjugation action gives rise to the famous non-inner automorphism of $S_6$. Using the bits that you get from the cycle structure of elements in $f(S_5)$ you can deduce that this outer automorphism interchanges the conjugacy classes of $(12)$ and $(12)(34)(56)$ (among other things).