[Math] Irreducible polynomials have distinct roots


I know that irreducible polynomials over fields of zero characteristic have distinct roots in its splitting field.

Theorem 7.3 page 27
seems to show that irreducible polynomials over $\Bbb F_p$ have distinct roots in its splitting field (and all the roots are powers of one root). Is the proof correct? I have never seen this result anywhere else. The proof is very convincing to me.

Does the result hold for $\Bbb F_q$ where $q$ is a power of prime? I don't think it holds because I've heard there are irreducible polynomials with repeated roots?

Please help.

Best Answer

Consider a field $F$ of characteristic $p$. A polynomial has multiple roots only if it has a root in common with its (formal) derivative; that is, the multiple roots of $f$ are the roots of $\gcd(f,f')$. Since $f$ is irreducible, multiple roots can occur only if the $\gcd$ is $f$ itself, that is $f'$ is a multiple of $f$. And that is only possible if $f'=0$, that is, all monomials in $f$ have degree a multiple of $p$, so $f(x)=g(x^p)$ for some polynomial $g$.

If $F$ is finite, then $\phi\colon a\mapsto a^p$ is an automorphism of $F$ (and also of the splitting field $E$ of our polynomial), and there exists $h(x)$ such that $\phi(h)=g$. Then for $\alpha\in E$ with $f(\alpha)=0$ also $h(\alpha)=0$ (because $\phi(h(\alpha))=\phi(h)(\phi(\alpha))=g(\alpha^p)=f(\alpha)=0$). Since $h$ is of smaller degree than $f$, $f$ is not irreducible.

As this proof shows, one has to look for cases where $\phi$ is not an automorphism to find a counterexample (such as in Andreas Carantis comment).

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