[Math] Invertible matrices in commutative rings


Let $A$ be a square matrix over a commutative ring $R$. Then $A$ has a left inverse iff it is invertible. Does there exist a elementary proof of this fact? (i.e. without using the determinant!)

Best Answer

I would not call the following argument elementary, but maybe fundamental:

The matrix $A$ defines an endomorphism $f$ of the $R$-module $R^n$. When $f$ is left-invertible or invertible, it has zero kernel. Hence in proving the equivalence left-invertible $\Leftrightarrow$ invertible we can assume that we have an exact sequence

$0 \rightarrow R^n \stackrel{f}{\rightarrow} R^n \rightarrow C \rightarrow 0$

where $C$ is the cokernel of $f$. But then $f$ is left-invertible if and only if the above exact sequence splits. Hence $f$ is left-invertible if and only if $R^n \cong R^n \oplus C$. But this latter condition is true only when $C=0$. Hence $f$ is left-invertible if and only if it is an isomorphism.

Remark: There are quite a bit "non-elementary arguments" in actually establishing that $C=0$: tensor the equality $R^n \cong R^n \oplus C$ with $\kappa(m)=R_m/mR_m$, where $m$ is some maximal ideal, to obtain $\kappa(m)^n \cong \kappa(m)^n \oplus C_m/mC_m$. This is an isomorphism of finite dimensional $\kappa(m)$-vector spaces. Since the dimensions of left and right sides must be equal, we see that $C_m/mC_m$ must be zero. Then Nakayama's Lemma implies that $C_m=0$. But an $R$-module whose localization at every maximal ideal is zero must be the zero module.

Conclusion: If you are willing to take your scalars to be a ring instead of a field, then in general you need to resort to more sophisticated arguments. But in this particular case we have that the beautiful equation $adj(A) A = det(A) I$ still holds and we could have avoided the above commutative-algebraic arguments. I will leave it you to decide which one is more elementary :)

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