Special Functions – Inverse of Elliptic Integral of Second Kind

elliptic functionselliptic integralsinversespecial functions

The Wikipedia articles on elliptic integral and elliptic functions state that “elliptic functions were discovered as inverse functions of elliptic integrals.” Some elliptic functions have names and are thus well-known special functions, and the same holds for some elliptic integrals. But what is the relation between the named elliptic functions and the named elliptic integrals?

It seems that the Jacobi amplitude $\varphi=\operatorname{am}(u,k)$ is the inverse of the elliptic integral of the first kind, $u=F(\varphi,k)$. Or related to this, $x=\operatorname{sn}(u,k)$ is the inverse of $u=F(x;k)$. It looks to me as if all of Jacobi's elliptic functions relate to the elliptic integral of the first kind. For other named elliptic functions listed by Wikipedia, like Jacobi's $\vartheta$ function or Weierstrass's $\wp$ function, it is even harder to see a relation to Legendre's integrals.

Is there a way to express the inverse of $E$, the elliptic integral of the second kind, in terms of some named elliptic functions? I.e. given $E(\varphi,k)=u$, can you write a closed form expression for $\varphi$ in terms of $k$ and $u$ using well-known special functions and elementary arithmetic operations?

In this post the author uses the Mathematica function FindRoot to do this kind of inversion, but while reading that post, I couldn't help wondering whether there is an easier formulation. Even though the computation behind the scenes might in fact boil down to root-finding in any case, it feels like this task should be common enough that someone has come up with a name for the core of this computation.

Best Answer

Here is a closed form for the inverse of functions containing $\text E(x,k),k=-1,2$ with it using the Mathematica function Inversebetaregularized $\text I^{-1}_z(a,b)$ which is a quantile function for the Student T Distribution with the Regularized $\text I_z(a,b)$ Beta function $\text B_z(a,b)$. Please see the links for efficiency. Here are the 3 main cases that are solvable, but inverses for other values of $k\ne 0,1$ probably have no closed form:

1.Notice that:

$$\frac14 \text B_{\sin^4(x)}\left(\frac34,\frac12\right)\mathop=^{0\le x\le \text L_2}\text E(x,-1)-\text F(x,-1)=\text D(x,-1)=z\implies x=\sin^{-1}\left(\sqrt[4]{\text I^{-1}_{\frac z{\text L_2}}\left(\frac34,\frac12\right)}\right)$$

which is correct. Also note the EllipticD function.

Graph of inverse:

enter image description here

2.Also note that:

$$\frac14 \text B_{\sin^2(2x)}\left(\frac12,\frac34\right)\mathop=^{0\le x\le \text L_2}\text E(x,2)=z\implies x=\frac12\sin^{-1}\left(\sqrt{\text I^{-1}_{\frac z{\text L_2}}\left(\frac12,\frac34\right)}\right)$$

which is correct

enter image description here


$$\frac58 \text B_{\sin^2(2x)}\left(\frac32,\frac34\right)=\text E(x,2)-\frac12\sin(2x)\cos^\frac32(2x)=z\implies x\mathop= ^{0\le x\le \text L_2}\frac12\sin^{-1}\left(\sqrt{\text I^{-1}_{\frac z{\text L_2}}\left(\frac32,\frac34\right)}\right)$$

enter image description here

which also works

There are also other special cases, but they are very specific and may not have applications. The $\text I^{-1}_z(a,b)$ function also gives special cases as Jacobi Elliptic functions with $k=-1,\frac12,2$. Also use the periodic nature of the elliptic integrals to find values outside of the $x$ restriction. Also, $\text L_2$ is The Second Lemniscate Constant Please correct me and give me feedback!

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