[Math] Inverse limits over cofinal subsets


OK, I am looking for no "hands waiving" proof that inverse limit over a cofinal index subset is isomorphic to the inverse limit over its superset. For instance: Given an (Abelian) category $C$ with infinite products (a sufficiently normal one), and an inverse system $f_{ij}:A_j\longrightarrow A_i$ indexed by an upward directed set $I$ that has a cofinal subset $J$, prove that $\varprojlim_I A_i\cong\varprojlim_J A_j$. I do not assume $J$ to be linearly ordered, rather it only satisfies $J\subseteq I$ and $\forall i\in I\exists j\in J$ with $i\leq j$. If $J$ is assumed to be linearly (hence) well ordered, the proof is not too hard.

Best Answer

For this particular situation, argue as follows. Let $(A,g_j)$ be the limit over $J$; let us show that $(A,f_{ij}g_j)$ is a limit over $I$. First, it's a cone: $f_{jk}f_{ij}g_j=f_{ki}g_j$ by functoriality. Now let $(B,h_i)$ be a cone over $I$. This restricts to a cone $(B,h_j)$ over $J$, and the latter gives rise to a unique $k:B\to A$ with $g_j\circ k=h_j$ for $j\in J$. Now given any $i\in I$, let $j\in J$ and $f_{ij}:A_j\to A_i$. Then $f_{ij}g_jk=f_{ij}h_j=h_i$, which shows the $h_i$ factor through $A$. And this was the only possible factorization $k$, since $k$ is determined even by the restriction to $J$.

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