[Math] Inverse Fourier Transform and Convolution Theorem

fourier transform

I am trying to understand the following question on Inverse Fourier Transform and use of convolution theorem. I am unable to understand the step boxed in red. Will be grateful if some guidance is provided to understand it

enter image description here

Best Answer

It is actually straight forward (if this is your only problem):

$H(x)$ is the Heaviside step function, which is

$$ H:x\mapsto \begin{cases}0:&x<0\\1:&x\geq 0\end{cases} $$

and sometimes different values for $H(0)$, but this is surely defined in your book. Anyhow, now just look at the first case where $x>0$ and hence $H(\tau-x)=0$ until $\tau\geq x$, then we have $\tau>\tau-x\geq 0$ (if $\tau-x>0\implies \tau>0$) and therefore

$$ H(\tau-x)H(\tau)=H(\tau-x) $$

In the second case where $x<0$ you the exact same reasoning, but this time $\tau<\tau-x$ and hence the argument switches (if $\tau>0\implies \tau-x>0$) and you get $$ H(\tau-x)H(\tau)=H(\tau) $$

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