[Math] Intuitively, why are the curves of exponential, log, and parabolic functions all smooth, even though the gradient is being changed at every point


Why are the curves of exponential, log, and parabolic functions all smooth, even though the gradient is being changed at every point? Shouldn't it be much more choppy?

By the way, if possible, can this be explained intuitively (not too rigorously), and without Calculus? Because I want to understand this, but I haven't learnt Calculus yet.

Best Answer

"At every point"

The gradient might change "at every point", but you need to remember that those points can be arbitrarily close to each other (see "real numbers"):

exp(x) and other functions at multiple resolutions

When you reduce the distance between the sampling points for $e^x, x^2, \ln(x), \sin(x)$, the gradient changes also become smaller. After a few iterations, the screen resolution isn't high enough to show any change anymore and the curves look smooth.

On the other hand, the $|x|$ curve (absolute value, the green curve on the graph) doesn't change anymore as soon as $x = 0$ is plotted: there's an abrupt change of gradient around $x = 0$, even at a very high resolution. At $x = 0$, it's not possible to define a gradient for this curve.

If you zoom infinitely on the smooth curves, they will look just like straight lines. If you zoom on $|x|$ at $x=0$, you'll always see the sharp corner:

zooming on curves

However small $\varepsilon$ is, going from $x=-\varepsilon$ to $x = \varepsilon$ will change the gradient of $|x|$ from $-1$ to $1$.

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