Logarithms – Intuitive Use of Logarithms


I am trying to gain a more intuitive feeling for the use of logarithms.

So, my questions: What do you use them for? Why were they invented? What are typical situations where one should think: "hey, let's take the $\log$!"?

Thanks for the great comments!

Here a short summary what we have so far:


Logarithms were first published 1614
by John Napier
(mathematician/astronomer) . He needed
them for simplifying the
multiplication of large numbers.

Today’s uses:

  • In regression analysis: If you expect a predictor variable to follow
    a power/exponential law, take the
    corresponding logarithm to linearize
    the relationship.
  • In finance to calculate compound interests.
  • Or more general: to calculate the time variable in growth/decay
    functions. (Nuclear decay, biological
  • In computer science to avoid underflow. (Cool trick! But seriously:
    32-bit? Take a double 😉
  • In the Prime Number Theorem
  • For handling very large/small numbers (pH, etc.)
  • Plotting (if your scale gets too large)

Best Answer

Logarithms come in handy when searching for power laws. Suppose you have some data points given as pairs of numbers $(x,y)$. You could plot a graph directly of the two quantities, but you could also try taking logarithms of both variables. If there is a power law relationship between $y$ and $x$ like

$$y=a x^n$$

then taking the log turns it into a linear relationship:

$$\log(y) = n \log(x) + \log(a)$$

Finding the exponent $n$ of the power law is now a piece of cake, since it corresponds to the slope of the graph.

If the data do not follow a power law, but an exponential law or a logarithmic law, taking the log of only one of the variables will also reveal this. Say for an exponential law

$$y=a e^{b x}$$

taking the log of both sides gives

$$\log(y) = b x + \log(a)$$

Which means that there will be a linear relationship between $x$ and $\log(y)$.

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