[Math] Intuitive understanding of relations and their basic properties

combinatoricsdiscrete mathematicsrelations

Can anyone explain relations and the four basic properties of them (reflexive, symmetric, antisymmetric, transitive)- or direct me to a source that does.

Particularly, are these statements reflective? Symmetric? Antisymmetric? Transitive?

"is a sister of"
"is a sibling of"
"is a descendant of"
"is divisible by"

How can I use this knowledge to choose the following:

Relation that is both symmetric and antisymmetric.
Relation that is symmetric but not antisymmetric.
Relation that is not symmetric but antisymmetric.
Relation that is not symmetric nor antisymmetric.

In general, I'm just looking for a concise, understandable, intuitive explanation of what exactly relations are and how their properties (the four above) are defined.

Thank you!

EDIT: Here's another one: http://i.imgur.com/slBH1.jpg

Best Answer


A binary relation $\sim$ on a set $X$ is reflexive if and only if, for all $a$ in $X$

  • $a\sim a$

I binary relation on a set $X$ is said to be irreflexive (or antireflexive) if and only if for all $a$ in $X$,

  • $a\not\sim a$. In other words, “no element is related to itself”. For example, the relation “is less than” is an irreflexive relation, since there is NO $n \in \mathbb{N} \text{ such that}\; n < n$.

A binary relation $\sim$ on a set $X$ is symmetric if and only if, for all $a$ and $b$ in $X$,

  • if $a\sim b$, then $b\sim a$.

A binary relation $\sim$ on a set $X$ is antisymmetric if and only if, for all $a$ and $b$ in $X$,

  • if $a \sim b$ and $b\sim a$, then $a \equiv b$.

$\quad$ or, equivalently

  • if $a \sim b$ with $a \not\equiv b$, then $b\not\sim a$.
  • A good example of an antisymmetric relation is the $\leq$ relation on, say, the set of integers. What would the conclusion be if we assume this premise: for any $m, n \in \mathbb{Z}$, if $m\leq n$ AND $n\leq m$ then...?

A binary relation on a set $X$ is said to be asymmetric if and only if it is NOT symmetric, that is,

  • if and only if there exist $a, b \in X$ such that $a \sim b$ but $b \not\sim a$

A binary relation $\sim$ on a set $X$ is transitive if and only if, for all $a, b, c$ in $X$,

  • if $a\sim b$ and $b\sim c$, then $a\sim c$.

For application to the relation "is a sibling of" (which we can denote using the notation $\sim_{s}$) on the set of all people:

  • Reflexive?
    Can anyone be a sibling to oneself? No. Hence reflexivity fails. Even more, since no one is a sibling of oneself, the relation is irreflexive.
  • Symmetric?
    If $a$ is the sibling of $b$, then $b$ is certainly a sibling of $a$.
  • Antisymmetric?
    If $a$ is a sibling of $b$ we know $b$ is a sibling of $a$ (because the relation is symmetric). But we know from the fact that the relation “is a sibling of” is not reflexive, if $a$ is a sibling of $b$, then $a$ cannot be the same person as $b$, since no one can be a sibling to oneself. So “is a sibling of" is NOT anti-symmetric. This provides you with an example of a relation that is symmetric but not anti-symmetric.
  • Asymmetric?
    No. Why not? Can it every occur that $a$ is a sibling of $b$, but $b$ is not a sibling of $a$?
  • Transitive?
    Suppose $a$ and $b$ are siblings, and that $b$ and $c$ are siblings. Is it necessarily the case that $a$ and $c$ are siblings? If we define "siblinghood" strictly (where siblings have both parents in common), then the relation is transitive. If we include in our definition of "siblinghood" the relation of being a half-sibling, then the relation is not transitive, because if $a$ and $b$ share only the same mother, and $b$ and $c$ share only the same father, it will not be the case that $a$ and $c$ are siblings.

How a relation is defined, and knowing the elements of the set on which it is defined is crucial.

I hope the example helps. Try to work with the definitions given above and reason through your other relations. "is a sister of" models this example. The same reasoning applies in that relation as it does for "siblinghood."

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