[Math] Intuitive reasons of ring modulo maximal ideal or prime ideal


Are there any intuitive reasons that can help us remember that $R/I$ is a field iff $I$ is a maximal ideal; $R/I$ is an integral domain iff $I$ is a prime ideal?

(I can understand the proof, but have problems with remembering the result correctly and intuitive understanding.)

I can roughly understand that if $I$ is maximal ideal, $R/I$ will have the minimal number of ideals namely zero ideal and itself, which is the criteria of being a field?

How about if $I$ is prime ideal? How do we intuitively see that $R/I$ is a domain?

Best Answer

The easiest way to remember which is which is probably to think that a field is also a domain and a maximal ideal is also prime. So when you quotient by a maximal ideal you get a field, but also a domain, because the ideal was also prime.

You should know that the, calling $\pi:R\to R/I$ projection map, then an ideal $J\subset R/I$ is prime (resp. maximal) if and only if $\pi^{-1}(J)$ is prime (resp. maximal) in $R$. In particular, $\{0\}$ is prime (resp. maximal) in $R/I$ if and only if $I$ is prime (resp. maximal) in $R$. So it is enough to consider the case $I=\{0\}$.

It can be useful to learn and understand many equivalent definitions of domain/field and maximal/prime ideal. For $R\neq \{0\}$ a commutative ring with $1$:

$R$ is a field $\iff$ every $0\neq a\in R$ is invertible $\iff$ the only ideals of $R$ are $\{0\}$ and $R$ $\iff \{0\}$ is maximal


$R$ is a domain $\iff$ for $a,b\in R$ if $ab=0$ then either $a=0$ or $b=0$ $\iff$ for $a,b\in R$ if $ab\in\{0\}$ then either $a\in\{0\}$ or $b\in\{0\}$ $\iff$ $\{0\}$ is prime

Remember that by definition the improper ideal $R$ is not maximal nor prime.

A little aside you didn't ask for, but it fits nice in this answer. A ring is called reduced if there are no nonzero nilpotents ($a\in R$ is called nilpotent if $a^n=0$ for some $n\in\mathbb{N}$). A proper ideal $I\subsetneq R$ is called radical if $\sqrt I = I$, that is if every $a\in R$ such that $a^n\in I$ for some $n\in \mathbb N$ is already in $I$. It follows that every prime ideal is radical and that a ring is reduced iff $\{0\}$ is radical. So:

$\{$maximal ideals$\}\subset\{$prime ideals$\}\subset\{$radical ideals$\}$

$\{0\}$ is maximal $\implies$ $\{0\}$ is prime $\implies$ $\{0\}$ is radical

$R$ is a field $\implies$ $R$ is a domain $\implies$ $R$ is reduced

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