[Math] Intuition on spectral theorem

diagonalizationintuitionlinear algebraspectral-theory

In the last month I studied the spectral theorems and I formally understood them. But I would like some intuition about them. If you didn’t know spectral theorems, how would you come up with the idea that symmetric/normal endomorphisms are the only orthogonally diagonalizable endomorphisms in the real/complex case. How would you even come up with the idea of studying the adjoint?

Best Answer

Regarding the adjoint, suppose you have vectors spaces $X$ and $Y$ (over the same field), and a linear map $$ T:X\to Y $$ Write $X^*$ and $Y^*$ for the dual spaces. Then $T$ naturally induces a map $$ T^*:Y^* \to X^* $$ defined by $$ T^*(\phi):=\phi\circ T $$ This makes sense, because if $\phi$ is a linear functional on $Y$, then $\phi\circ T$ is a linear functional of $X$. Moreover, the function $T^*$ is also a linear transformation. This $T^*$ is called the adjoint of $T$ (there is a slight abuse of notation/terminology here, I'll elaborate on this in a moment). This is an example of what is called functorial behaviour. Taking adjoints is an example of what is called a contravariant functor.

Now, suppose that $X$ and $Y$ are finite-dimensional inner product spaces. Then you know that $X$ and $X^*$ can be canonically identified with each other. On the one hand, any $x\in X$ gives rise to a linear functional $\phi_x\in X^*$ defined by $$ \phi_x(v):=\langle v,x\rangle $$ Write $S_X:X\to X^*$ for the map that sends $x$ to $\phi_x$. It is easy to verify that $S_X$ is conjugate linear, i.e. $S_X(x+x')=S_X(x)+S_X(x')$ and $S_X(\alpha x)=\bar \alpha S_X(x)$.

On the other hand, given any $\phi\in X^*$, one can show that there exists (a unique) vector $x_\phi\in X$ such that, for every $v\in X$, $$ \phi(v)=\langle v, x_\phi\rangle $$ This shows that the function $S_X$ above is invertible, so it is "almost" an isomorphism, except for the fact that it is not strictly linear, but conjugate linear.

Now, the same thing can be done with $Y$, and we obtain a conjugate isomorphism $S_Y:Y\to Y^*$.

Consider now the composition $$ Y\overset{S_Y}{\longrightarrow} Y^*\overset{T^*}{\longrightarrow} X^* \overset{S^{-1}_X}{\longrightarrow} X $$ Call this composition $\hat T$, i.e. $\hat T(y)=(S^{-1}_X\circ T^*\circ S_Y)(y)$. You can check that $\hat T$ is linear.

Fix $x\in X$ and $y\in Y$. Put $\phi=(T^*\circ S_Y) y\in X^*$. Now, $S_X^ {-1}\phi$ is, by definition, the unique vector $z\in X$ such that $\langle v,z\rangle =\phi (v)$ for every $v\in X$. Therefore, $$ \langle x,\hat Ty\rangle =\langle x,S^{-1}_X\phi\rangle=\phi(x) $$ Now, $\phi=T^*(S_Yy)=(S_Yy)\circ T$. So, $$ \phi(x)=(S_Yy)(Tx) $$ Now, $S_Yy\in Y^*$ is the linear functional which right multiplies a vector in $Y$ by $y$. This means that $$ (S_Yy)(Tx)=\langle Tx,y\rangle $$ Putting everything together, we get that $$ \langle x,\hat Ty\rangle =\langle Tx,y\rangle $$ So, $\hat T$ has the property that "the adjoint" has in every linear algebra text. In practice, we use $T^*$ to refer to the above $\hat T$, and the original $T^*$ is left behind. I will be following this convention from now on, i.e. all $T^*$ in what follows really means $\hat T$. I should mention that having an inner product is key for all of this. For general vector spaces $X$ need not be isomorphic to $ X^*$.

Regarding your question about looking at normality, recall that, given a linear operators $T:X\to X$, a subspace $W\subset X$ is said to be $T$-invariant if $$ x\in W\implies Tx\in W $$ Define the orthogonal complement $$ W^\perp:=\{x\in X: \forall w\in W\langle x,y\rangle =0\} $$ Note that, if $W$ is $T$-invariant, then $W^\perp$ is $T^*$-invariant. Indeed, fix $x\in W^\perp$. We need to see that $T^*x\in W^\perp$. Let $w\in W$, then $$ \langle T^*x,w\rangle=\langle x,Tw\rangle=0 $$ because $x\in W^\perp$ and $Tw\in W$ (because $W$ is $T$-invariant). Since $w\in W$ was arbitrary, $T^*x\in W^\perp$.

If $T$ is, for example, self-adjoint, then we obviously have that a $W^\perp$ is $T$-invariant. This leads to the following question: can we find an easy property for an operator $T$ so that it satisfies that every $T$-invariant subspace has a $T$-invariant orthogonal complement? The answer to this question is yes, and the property is normality, see here.

How does this relate to being diagonalizable? Well, since the matrix of $T^*$ in the basis $B$ is the conjugate transpose of the matrix of $T$ in the basis $T$, it follows that any diagonalizable operator is necessarily normal.

Suppose now that $T$ is normal. Pick an eigenvalue $\lambda$ of $T$. Let $E$ be the associated eigenspace. Clearly, $E$ is $T$-invariant. Write $$ X=E\oplus E^\perp $$ By normality, $E^\perp$ is also $T$-invarint. This means that we can consider the restricted operator $T|_{E^\perp}:E^\perp \to E^\perp$. This new operator is also normal. But $\dim (E^\perp)<\dim X$, and we can carry out an inductive argument.