[Math] Intuition for iterated function for log log log n.


Intuitively, $\log n$ (base 2) is the number of times you have to divide $n$ by 2 before reaching a number around 2. (Waving our hands a little to gloss over floor vs ceiling and $\pm$ 1 errors.) Similarly, $\log \log n$ is the number of times we have to iterate the square root function to get from $n$ down to a number around $2$ (waving our hands again).

What is the intuition for $\log \log \log n$? What is the function that you would iterate $\log \log \log n$ times to get from $n$ down to a small constant?

Best Answer

Quote from Daniel Shanks:

Since $ \; \log \log \log n \rightarrow \infty \;$ (with great dignity) these inequalities imply...

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