Calculus – Intuition Behind the ILATE Rule


Often I have wondered about this question, but today I had a chance to recollect it and hence I am posting it here. During high-school days one generally learns Integration and I still loving doing problems on Integration. But I have never understood this idea of integration by parts. Why do we adopt the ILATE or LIATE rule to do problems and what was the reason behind thinking of such a rule?


Best Answer

The way I see it, when you differentiate an inverse trigonometric function, you don't get another inverse trigonometric function. Instead you get "simpler" functions like $1/(1 + x^2)$ or $1/\sqrt{1-x^2}$. This does not typically happen with the antiderivative of such functions.

Similarly, when you differentiate a logarithmic function, the logarithm disappears.

So, when using integration by parts $\int u dv = uv - \int v du$, it makes sense to select the inverse trigonometric or logarithmic function to be the one that is the $u$ term.

In the case of algebraic, trigonometric and exponential functions both integration and differentiation don't change the nature of the function, so they come later in the ILATE order.

Of course, this is just intuition and there are examples where you can violate this so called rule and still integrate by parts without any problems.

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