Understanding Logarithm Properties – Algebra Precalculus


A long time ago, I was taught that $\log(ab)=\log a + \log b$ and $\log(a/b)=\log a – \log b$

Then I was reminded of that from this answer on the site: Simple information theory question: where is this equation coming from?

I have no problem applying this rule — but could someone help explain the intuition behind it so that I truly understand.

Best Answer

Suppose you have a table of powers of 2, which looks like this: (after revision)

$$\begin{array}{rrrrrrrrrr} 0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8&9&10\\ 1&2&4&8&16&32&64&128&256&512&1024 \end{array}$$

Each column says how many twos you have to multiply to get the number in that column. For example, if you multiply 5 twos, you get $2\cdot2\cdot2\cdot2\cdot2=32$, which is the number in column 5.

Now suppose you want to multiply two numbers from the bottom row, say $16\cdot 64$. Well, the $16$ is the product of 4 twos, and the $64$ is the product of 6 twos, so when you multiply them together you get a product of 10 twos, which is $1024$.

Notice that to multiply the numbers, we had to count the twos and add the number of twos to get the total number of twos we were multiplying.

The top row is exactly the logarithm of the bottom row, and that is why $\log(ab) = \log a + \log b$. The logarithm of $x$ says how many twos you have to multiply to get $x$. And how many twos must you multiply to get $xy$? You have to multiply all the twos from $x$, which is $\log x$, plus also all the twos from $y$, which is $\log y$, so there are a total of $\log x + \log y$ twos multiplied to make $xy$.

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