[Math] Interviews of famous modern mathematicians


I was wondering, are there any good collections of interviews of famous modern mathematicians? It can be text interviews, or audio or video recordings.

I am not sure what exactly I mean by "modern". It just feels that mathematics in the last, say, 20 years is different than before in the sense that it is getting more and more abstract, and different mathematical fields become further away from each other. So it seems that now more people are trying to find concrete (or at least more concrete) applications of advanced theories, and also to relate different mathematical subjects, other than to solve hard problems within a field. (This may be completely wrong, this is just an impression I have now ). Therefore, it seems that modern mathematicians have a different approach to math, and it is very interesting to read about their vision of math in interviews.

I have read some very nice interviews by Manin, Kontsevich, Voevodsky, Arnold and some others, but I have found them accidentally. So if you have links to some websites collecting interviews with modern mathematicians, I would really appreciate that!

Thank you very much! I hope this question is appropriate here!

Edit: I have found this very nice collection of interviews, collected by E.Dynkin.

Best Answer

The Simons Foundation has a number of lengthy high-quality interview videos in its Science Lives section. Most of these mathematicians did their main work more than 20 years ago. Their influence on modern mathematics surely is significant.

Current listing:

  • Alfred Aho
  • Michael Atiyah
  • Sydney Brenner
  • Egbert Brieskorn
  • Alexandre Chorin
  • John Conway
  • Pierre Deligne
  • Michael Freedman
  • Phillip Griffiths
  • Friedrich Hirzebruch
  • Richard Karp
  • Robion Kirby
  • Peter Lax
  • László Lovász
  • Robert D. MacPherson
  • Yuri Manin
  • John McCarthy
  • Dusa McDuff
  • John W. Milnor
  • Cathleen Morawetz
  • John Nash
  • Louis Nirenberg
  • Paul Sally
  • Isadore Singer
  • James D. Watson
  • Margaret Wright
  • Chen-Ning Yang
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