[Math] Intersection of two parabolas

conic sectionspolynomialsquadratics

Given $a>0$ and $b>0$, I want to find the points of intersection of the two parabolas
y&=1-ax^2 \\x&=1-by^2

Clearly I can just eliminate one of the variables, and I'll get a quartic equation, whose general solutions will be an enormous mess (according to Mathematica, anyway).

I also tried using this approach, but again got stuck in a quagmire of algebra.

Or, I could just use numerical methods, but that's what I'm trying to avoid.

The general problem of intersecting two conic section curves is well understood, and can only be solved by the techniques I described above (as far as I know). But my problem is not the general one, it's a very specific special case, and I'm wondering if someone can see some clever shortcut.

According to this question, the intersection points all lie on a circle, but I don't know if that helps.

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If we consider the equations $$\begin{align} y&=1-Ax^2 \\x&=1-By^2 \end{align}$$ eliminating $y$ to get the quartic in $x$ and then using the procedure given in this page, we have $$\Delta=A^4B^2(256 A^2 B^2-256 A^2 B-256 A B^2+288 A B-27)$$ $$P=-16 A^3 B^2 <0$$ $$Q=8 A^4 B^2 >0$$ $$\Delta_0=4 A^2 B (4 B-3)$$ $$D=-64 A^6 B^3<0$$ So, there will be four real roots if $\Delta >0$ and two real roots if $\Delta <0$.

That is to say that, for a given value of $A$, we should have only two real roots if $B$ is between the two roots $$B_1=\frac{A(9-8A)-\sqrt{A (4 A-3)^3}}{16 A(1-A)}$$ $$B_2=\frac{A(9-8A)+\sqrt{A (4 A-3)^3}}{16A(1-A)}$$ and four roots otherwise (this assumes $A\neq 0$).

For example, using $A=5$ and $B=0.9$ leads to two real roots while $A=5$ and $B=1.1$ leads to four real roots.

Looking at the particular case where $B=\frac 1A$ $$\Delta=-A \left(256 A^2-517 A+256\right)$$ which is positive if $$\frac{517-7 \sqrt{105}}{512}< A < \frac{517+7 \sqrt{105}}{512} $$ which represents a very narrow range.

Using $A=1.1$ leads to four real roots while $A=1.2$ leads to two real roots.

The problem seems to be quite sensitive to the values of the parameters.

Looking at the case where $A=1$, the problem simplifies a lot since $\Delta=B^2 (32 B-27)$. So, if $B > \frac{27}{32}$ four real roots and only two real roots otherwise.

Let us try for $B = \frac{26}{32}$ $${x= -1.67794}\,,{x= 0.338968 -0.150441 i}\,,{x= 0.338968 +0.150441 i}\,,{x= 1.}$$ while for $B = \frac{28}{32}$ $${x=-1.65597}\,,{x= 0.182018}\,,{x= 0.473952}\,,{x= 1.}$$


Interesting is the case where $B=A$; in such a case $\Delta=A^6 (4 A-3)^3 (4 A+1)$ and then four roots if $A >\frac 34$. If this is the case, the coordinates of the intersections are $$\left( \begin{array}{cc} x & y \\ -\frac{\sqrt{4 A-3}-1}{2 A} & \frac{\sqrt{4 A-3}+1}{2 A} \\ \frac{\sqrt{4 A-3}+1}{2 A} & -\frac{\sqrt{4 A-3}-1}{2 A} \\ \frac{-\sqrt{4 A+1}-1}{2 A} & -\frac{\sqrt{4 A+1}+1}{2 A} \\ \frac{\sqrt{4 A+1}-1}{2 A} & \frac{\sqrt{4 A+1}-1}{2 A} \end{array} \right)$$

These points are along a circle centered at $\left(-\frac{1}{2 A},-\frac{1}{2 A}\right)$ with a radius equal to $R=\sqrt{\frac{1+4A}{2A^2}}$

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