[Math] Intersection of an ellipsoid and plane in parametric form


I want to find the parametric equation of the ellipse in 3d space which is formed by the intersection of a known ellipsoid and a known plane. The ellipsoid has the Cartesian equation: $(x/a)^2+(y/b)^2+(z/a)^2=1$.
While the plane has the equation: $mx+ny+kz=0$. I have substituted one equation in the other but what I get is an elliptical cylinder since I had eliminated the $z$-components. How can I get the exact equation of the ellipse of intersection in parametric form?

Best Answer

Hint. Find vectors of the semiaxes of the ellipse, meaning find (x,y,z) which satisfies both equations and its length is longest(shortest). $$(x/a)^2+(y/b)^2+(z/a)^2=1$$ $$mx+ny+kz=0$$ $$x^2+y^2+z^2=\min \lor \max$$ And then parametric equation will be $(x,y,z)=\vec v_1\sin \theta+\vec v_2\cos \theta$

Edit - More than a hint As yota suggested this hint isn't too helpful since problem is still hard to solve I will try to push it till the end:

$$x^2+y^2+z^2=x^2+y^2+z^2-a^2((x/a)^2+(y/b)^2+(z/a)^2-1)=y^2(1-a^2/b^2)+a^2$$ As we can see one of the semiaxes vectors has $y$ coordinate equal to $0$, since the expression above reaches its max/min when $y=0$

We can put it in the equations to find $x$ and $z$: $$z=-mx/k$$ $$(x/a)^2+(-mx/k/a)^2=1$$ $$x^2k^2+x^2m^2=k^2a^2$$ $$x^2=k^2a^2/(k^2+m^2)$$ So we have one semiaxis $v_1=(ka/\sqrt{k^2+m^2},0,-ma/\sqrt{k^2+m^2})$

Another should be colinear to $v_1\times(m,n,k)$ or even better $(k,0,-m)\times(m,n,k)$ which is: $$v_2=t(mn,-m^2-k^2,kn)$$ where $$t=1/\sqrt{(mn/a)^2+((m^2+k^2)/b)^2+(kn/a)^2}$$

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