Linear Algebra – Interpreting the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem

cayley-hamiltoncharacteristic polynomiallinear algebramatricessoft-question

The statement of the Cayley-Hamilton Theorem is fairly straight-forward.
I now know how to find characteristic polynomials from a given matrix (or at least a matrix with certain properties that I am unaware of!).
I know that the eigenvalues of the matrix are roots of the polynomial.
But what does having such a polynomial mean? Wikipedia says that the characteristic polynomial "…encodes several important properties of the matrix…", but once we have switched to "matrix form" of the equation, what can we conclude?

In other words, what does the Theorem do for us, besides allowing us to say, "Hey, I know a matrix solution to this polynomial"?? Is there an abstraction of this in abstract algebra (rings, fields, etc.)?

Thanks for your time.

Best Answer

It's simple to see that every matrix $n\times n$ has to be a zero of some polynomial of degree at most $n^2$, simply because the space of $n\times n$ matrices has dimension $n^2$. The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem says that you can find such a polynomial of much smaller degree.

Another way to see this is as follows: For each fixed vector $v$, the vectors $v$, $Av$, ..., $A^n v$ cannot be linearly independent and so there is a polynomial $p$ of degree at most $n$ such that $p(A)v=0$. However, this polynomial depends on $v$. The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem gives you a polynomial that works for all vectors $v$.

Finally, for applications, having a polynomial $p$ such that $p(A)=0$ allows you to compute all powers of $A$ as a linear combination of $I$, $A$, ..., $A^{n-1}$. Indeed, assuming $p$ monic, you can write $p(X)=X^n+q(X)$ with $q$ of degree less than $n$. So $A^n = -q(A)$. Then $A^{n+1}=-A q(A)$. If $A^n$ appears in $A q(A)$, replace it by $-q(A)$. Do the same for $A^{n+2} = A \cdot A^{n+1}$, etc. For a concrete example, see