[Math] Interpolation between two points


I am looking for an interpolation between two points $P$ and $Q$. I need the curve to have derivative (direction) $\vec{v_1}$ at point P and $\vec{v_2}$ at point Q. In addition, there is a maximum curvature constraint (represented as minimum radius $r$). I want to find a curve that satisfies those constraints and having minimum distance.

Is there an analytical solution or does any programming language package (e.g. MATLAB) support numerical calculation for this?

If this one is hard to find, would dropping the minimum distance constraint and instead adding minimizing overall curvature be easier?

P.S. This spline may be a famous one but I don't know the name. Searching online by these criteria does not give me meaningful result.


Best Answer

For one-dimensional interpolation the cubic spline is known to minimize the curvature (not exactly but "as measured by the second derivative"). So if you turn to minimizing overall curvature instead you may want to use http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cubic_Hermite_spline. It is probably the most famous one.

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