[Math] integration of two curves when in 3rd or 4th quadrant


I have been asked to find the area between two curves, both of which are in the 4th quadrant this should give a negative result unless I use $\int -f(x)$ is this correct? And if so, how do I tell when my result will be positive and when it will be negative without a graph?

Best Answer

Here's an easy fix for the negative area problem: use absolute value signs! To find the area between the two functions from $x=a$ to $x=b$, you can just do $$\int_a^b |f(x)-g(x)|dx$$ As for evaluating the integral, you can then divide the integral up into pieces where $f(x)-g(x)$ is negative and pieces where it is positive, then continue. Hopefully this clears things up.