[Math] Integration of a Heaviside function


This is a very fundamental question. I am missing something very important here.

I stumbled upon this issue while solving a integration step in a problem as follows:

I am having a discontinuous function as $F_X(x)$ given by
1 &, 0\leq x< 3 \\\\
\exp(-\mu x)&, 3\leq x<\infty

I could integrate $F_X(x)$ easily by a piecewise integration.

However if I could represent this function as $\displaystyle1-(1-\exp(-\mu x))H(x-3)$ then proceed for integration as $\displaystyle \int_0^{\infty} [1-\{1-\exp(-\mu x)\}H(x-3)] dx$ , I couldn't solve it.

Further a more fundamental question to ask is:

I want to integrate rectangular function decomposed as Heaviside functions as follows.

$$\int_0^{\infty} \left(H(t-2)-H(t-3)\right) \,dt$$

It is quite straight forward that the answer is 1, however I am unable separate the integral using the linearity of integration and find the answer. Obviously I am missing some fundamentals here.

Please any advice will be helpful, is there some silly mistake I am making in the whole question.

Best Answer

It's unclear as to the specific comment in the OP

"It is quite straight forward that the answer is 1, however I am unable separate the integral using the linearity of integration and find the answer.

But, note that we have for $L>3$

$$\begin{align} \int_0^L (H(t-2)-H(t-3))\,dt&=\left(\int_0^L H(t-2)\,dt\right)-\left(\int_0^L H(t-3)\,dt \right)\\\\ &=(L-2)-(L-3)\\\\ &=1 \end{align}$$

Now letting $L\to \infty$, we obtain the expected result.

Similarly, for $L>3$, we have

$$\begin{align} \int_0^L \left(1-(1-e^{-\mu x})H(x-3)\right)\,dx&=\int_0^L (1)\,dx- \int_0^L (1-e^{-\mu x})H(x-3)\,dx\\\\ &=L-\int_3^L(1-e^{-\mu x})\,dx\\\\ &=L-(L-3)+\int_3^L e^{-\mu x}\,dx\\\\ &=3+\frac{e^{-3\mu}-e^{-L\mu}}{\mu} \end{align}$$

Letting $L\to \infty$ we find that

$$\int_0^\infty \left(1-(1-e^{-\mu x})H(x-3)\right)\,dx=3+\frac{e^{-3\mu}}{\mu}$$

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