[Math] Integration ( Area of a shaded region )


I got stuck on this question for quite some time but I still can't get my head around it especially for question b). Please help.

The Graph

The curve $C$, shown in Figure 2, has equation $y = 3x – x^2$ It passes through the origin $O$ and the point $B$ on the $x$-axis.
a) Find the coordinates of the point $B$.
The shaded region $R$ is bounded by the curve and the line $AB$.
b) Find, by integration, the area of $R$.

Best Answer


$x_B$ can be found by solving $3x-x^2=0$. Now you can work out the area of the right triangle colored red in the figure.

Now the area of the shaded region can be represented as

$$A=\int_{x_A}^{x_B} 3x-x^2\,dx-\text{area of the triangle}$$

enter image description here