[Math] Integrating the area of a quarter-circle


$A=\int_0^r\sqrt{r^2-x^2}\,dx$ is the area of a quarter-circle. Show why, with a graph and thin rectangles. Calculate this integral by substituting $x=r\sin\theta$ and $\,dx = r\cos\theta\,d\theta$.

As shown below, the area can be seen as a collection of thin horizontal strips $\sqrt{r^2-x^2}$, $0 \le x \le r$.


By substituting $x=r\sin\theta$ and $dx = r\cos\theta\,d\theta$, we have

Why did we not get the area $\frac14\pi r^2$?

Best Answer

When you do the substitution $x = r \sin \theta$, the limits of integration of your integral must change as well. That is,

when $x = 0 $, then $\sin \theta = 0 \implies \theta = 0$

when $x = r$, then $\sin \theta =1 \implies \theta = \frac{ \pi }{2} $