[Math] Integrating $\tan^2{x}\sec{x}$


I'm revising for an exam and came across this question:
$I = \int{\tan^2{x}\sec{x}} dx$,
and I got to a point where I just ended up with the original question:

$$I = \int{\sec^3{x}-\sec x}dx$$

$$I = \int{\sec x \sec^2x}dx – \int{\sec x}dx$$

$$I = \int{u\frac{dv}{dx}}dx – \int{\sec x}dx$$

let $u = \sec x$, $\frac{du}{dx} = \sec x\tan x$

and $\frac{dv}{dx} = \sec^2x$, $v = \tan x$

$$I = uv – \int{v\frac{du}{dx}}dx – \int{\sec x}dx$$

$$I = \sec x\tan x – \int{\tan x\sec x\tan x}dx – \ln{|\sec x + \tan x|}$$

$$I = \sec x\tan x – \int{\tan^2x\sec x}dx – \ln{|\sec x + \tan x|}$$

$$I = \sec x\tan x – I + k – \ln{|\sec x + \tan x|}$$

$$I + I = 2I = \sec x\tan x – \ln{|\sec x + \tan x|} + k$$

$$I = \frac{\sec x\tan x – \ln{|\sec x + \tan x|} + k}{2}$$

$$I = \frac{\sec x\tan x – \ln{|\sec x + \tan x|}}{2} + c$$

Is it ok to do this? I tried doing it on wolframalpha but it used somtehing called the reduction formula which I don't know,and I tried it on my calculator, which can only do definite integration, with the interval $[1,0.1]$ and I got the same answer with my result, but this doesn't proove it is correct.

(Also I didn't really know when to put in the constant ($k$)?)

Best Answer

You can always decide whether an indefinite integral is correct by differentiating the answer to see whether you get back the original function. So, differentiate your answer: do you get $\tan^2x\sec x$? If yes, then what you did was (almost certainly) OK; if not, then not.

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