[Math] Integrate the gaussian curvature


Let $T$ be a torus. We have a parameterization by $((c+a \cdot \cos(v))\cos(u),(c+a\cdot \cos(v),a\cdot \sin(v))$ for $u,v \in [0,2\pi)$. The first fundamental form is given by $E=(c+a\cdot \cos(v))^{2}, F=0, G=a^2$

and the second fundamental form is given by $e=-(c+a\cdot \cos(v))\cos(v),f=0,g=-a$. Since gaussian curvature is equal to determinante of the 2. fundamental form divided by 1. first fundamental, the gaussian curvature is equal to $\frac{\cos(v)\cdot a }{a^2(c+a\cdot \cos(v))}$

Now I want to integrate the gaussian curvature over T.

Do I integrate the gaussian curvature over T correctly: $\int_{[0,2\pi)^2}\frac{\cos(v)\cdot a }{a^2(c+a\cdot \cos(v))} du dv$?

This integral seems to me quite uncomputable.

edit: I computed the gaussian curvature (probably) correctly, I found it on another site (see page 2,

Best Answer

Let $K$ be the Gauss curvature. You would like to compute $\iint_{T} K \: dA$. Please remember that

\begin{equation*} dA = \sqrt{EG-F^2} du \: dv = a (c+a\cos v)\: du \:dv. \end{equation*}

Since you have already computed $K = \frac{a\cos v}{a^2(c+a\cos v)}$,

\begin{equation*} \iint_{T} K dA = \int_{0}^{2\pi} \int_{0}^{2\pi} \frac{a\cos v}{a^2(c+a\cos v)} \cdot a (c+a\cos v) \:du \: dv \end{equation*}

EDIT: Added some more detail about computing surface integrals.

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