[Math] Integral transformation change of variables


Use the change of variables formula and an appropriate transformation to evaluate $\int \int_R xy \ dA$ , where R is the square with vertices $(0,0), (1,1),(2,0)$ and $(1,-1)$.

The answer is 0.

Can I do this ? Why ?
$$ \int_0 ^2 \int_{-1} ^1 xy \ dy \ dx = 0$$

Best Answer

You are not integrating the region $R$. The idea of the exercise is to deform $R$ into a square with sides parallel to the axis in the plane by a counterclockwise rotation of an angle equal to $\frac{\pi}{4}$. The required transformation is then

$$(x,y)\mapsto (u,v)=\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}(x-y,x+y).$$

To finish the proof you need the formula for the change of variables in multiple integrals recalling that the original integrand


in the new coordinates reads (I inverted the coordinate transformation given above)


Computing the determinant of the Jacobian of the coord. transofrmation the exercise is finished.

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