Number Theory – Finding Integral Points on an Elliptic Curve

elliptic-curvesnumber theory

Let's start with an elliptic curve in the form
$$E : y^2 = x^3 + Ax + B, \qquad A, B \in \mathbb{Z}.$$
I am wondering about integral points. I know that Siegel proved that $E$ has only finitely many integral points. I know Nagell and Lutz proved that every non $\mathcal{O}$ torsion point has coordinates that are integers.

Can any of you tell me anything else we would know? Here are a few questions I have come up with but if there is any other interesting thing to say I would love to know it. Answers to any of these would be great.

  1. Can we say anything interesting about non-torsion integral points? (I don't have an idea of what "interesting" means exactly, maybe they are in a sort form or related to torsion points somehow)
  2. Are there bounds for the number of or biggest integral points?
  3. Do people keep track of records for most or biggest integral points?
  4. If so, any idea of what these records are?
  5. Anything else?


Best Answer

As you know, your curve may have infinitely many rational points. Now suppose it has a rational point $(r/t,s/t)$, so $s^2/t^2=r^3/t^3+Ar/t+B$, so $(st^2)^2=(rt)^3+At^4(rt)+Bt^6$, so $(rt,st)$ is an integral point on the elliptic curve $y^2=x^3+A'x+B'$. It follows that there is no finite bound to the number of integral points on an elliptic curve. It suggests that the bigger the coefficients, the more integral points are possible.

A related question that may interest you is that of the rank of your curve, the number of independent generators of the group of rational points. It is believed, but, I think, not proved, that the rank is unbounded, but it's hard to find examples with large rank (where large might mean more than 20), and people do go to some effort to set new records. According to Wikipedia, curves with rank at least 28 are known.

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