Calculus – Integral of sqrt(1-x^2) Using Integration by Parts


I was asked to solve this indefinite integral using Integration by parts.

$$\int \sqrt{1-x^2} dx$$

I know how to solve if use the substitution $x=\sin(t)$ but I'm looking for the Integration by parts way.

any help would be very appreciated.

Best Answer

I'll restate the accepted answer in different notation, which is easier for me to parse: let $$u=\sqrt{1-x^2}, \quad dv=dx$$ so that $$du=\frac{-x}{\sqrt{1-x^2}}dx,\quad v=x$$ For brevity, write $I=\int \sqrt{1-x^2}\, dx$. Using $\int u\,dv = uv-\int v\,du$, obtain $$ I = x\sqrt{1-x^2} - \int \frac{-x^2}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \,dx $$ The last integral does not look simpler than $I$ itself, but it can be related back to it: $$ \int \frac{-x^2}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \,dx = \int \frac{1-x^2}{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \,dx - \int \frac{1 }{\sqrt{1-x^2}} \,dx = I - \sin^{-1}x $$ So, $$I = x\sqrt{1-x^2} - (I-\sin^{-1}x)$$ and solving for $I$ yields $$\int \sqrt{1-x^2}\, dx = \frac12 x\sqrt{1-x^2} + \frac12 \sin^{-1}x + C$$

For completeness and comparison, I'll add the conventional solution using $x=\sin t$ substitution. Here $dx=\cos t\,dt$, so $$ \int\sqrt{1-x^2}\,dx = \int \cos^2 t\,dt =\int \left(\frac12+\frac{\cos 2t}{2}\right)\,dt = \frac{t}{2}+\frac{\sin 2t}{4}+C $$ To return to $x$, note that $t=\sin^{-1}x$ and $\sin 2t = 2\sin t\cos t = 2x\sqrt{1-x^2}$.

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