[Math] Integral of Legendre polynomials $P_n(\cos\theta)$

definite integralslegendre polynomials

Given the Legendre polynomial $P_n(\cos\theta)$, I would like to calculate the integral:

$$\int_{\frac{\pi}{2}-a}^{\frac{\pi}{2}+a}\,\,P_n(\cos\theta)\sin\theta \,\,d\theta$$

where $a\in[0,\frac{\pi}{2}]$.
Any suggestion on how to proceed? If $a=\frac{\pi}{2}$, is it possible to find a closed solution?

Best Answer


Considering the problem of the antiderivative $$I_n=\int P_n(\cos\theta)\sin\theta \,\,d\theta$$ changing variable $x=\cos(\theta)$, you have $$I_n=-\int P_n(x)\,dx$$ If you look here, you will notice that $$I_n=-\frac{P_{n+1}(x)-P_{n-1}(x)}{2 n+1}$$

I am sure that you can take it from here.

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