[Math] Integral $\int_0^1\frac{\log(x)\log(1+x)}{\sqrt{1-x}}\,dx$

calculusdefinite integralshypergeometric functionintegrationlogarithms

I'm trying to evaluate this definite integral:
$$\int_0^1\frac{\log(x) \log(1+x)}{\sqrt{1-x}} dx$$
It's clear that the result can be expressed in terms of derivatives of a hypergeometric function with respect to its parameters. I obtained the following form:
$$4 \left(1 – \log 2\right){_2F_1}^{(0,1,0,0)}\left(1, 0; \tfrac{3}{2}; -1\right) – 2 {_2F_1}^{(1,1,0,0)}\left(1, 0; \tfrac{3}{2}; -1\right) – 2{_2F_1}^{(0,1,1,0)}\left(1, 0; \tfrac{3}{2}; -1\right)$$
Is it possible to expand these derivatives to some explicit form and further simplify this result? Or maybe you could suggest a different way to evaluate this integral that gives a simpler result without going through hypergeometric functions?

Best Answer

$$\int_0^1\frac{\ln(1+x)\ln x}{\sqrt{1-x}}dx=16-8\ln2+4\ln^2\left(1+\sqrt2\right)\\+\sqrt2\left[2\ln^22+8\left(\ln2-1\right)\ln\left(1+\sqrt2\right)-\frac{7\pi^2}3+16\operatorname{Li}_2\!\left(\frac1{\sqrt{2}}\right)\right].$$

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