Abstract Algebra – Integral Domain but Not a Unique Factorization Domain


Let $R = \mathbb{Z}[x,y]$. Find ideals $I$ such that.

  1. $R/I$ is an integral domain but not a UFD
  2. The polynomial $z^2 – 1$ has more than two roots in $R/I$.

For 1, I have $I = (x^2 – xy -1)$ which I think is irreducible and so far can't show why. Then in $R/I$, $xy = (x-1)(x+1)$.

These solutions don't 'feel' right.

Best Answer

  1. Let $I=(3,x^2+y^2-1)$. Then $R/I\simeq(\mathbb Z/3\mathbb Z)[x,y]/(x^2+y^2-1)$.

  2. Let $I=(3,x^2-1)$. There are at least three roots of $z^2-1$ in $R/I$: $1,2$, and $x\bmod I$.